Category: Society Page

  • Sunday Tea with Mrs Merrill Coffin

    Sunday Tea with Mrs Merrill Coffin

    Mrs. Merrill Everett Coffin will open her home, 333 Fairmount Avenue, tomorrow from 5 to 7 P. M. when Delta Gamma chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority will honor their mothers at a mother and daughter tea. Chairman of the affair will be Mrs. James Wells, assisted by Mrs…

  • Coffin-Collins April Wedding

    Coffin-Collins April Wedding

    Coffin-Collins April Wedding Held Sunday at Bethel Church An April afternoon Church wedding took place Sunday, when Lois Virginia Collins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Collins, 69 Stewart Avenue, became the bride of Merrill Everett Coffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Coffin, 36- West 22nd Street. Rev. Lawrence F. Nordstrom officiated at 3 o’clock at…