Category: Publications
Three’s a Crowd
Three’s a Crowd by Merrill Coffin, painted in 1994, portrays a serene winter woodland scene filled with intricate detail and a sense of quiet beauty. The painting features a trio of cardinals—one female and two males—perched gracefully on the branches of a birch tree, a beloved motif often celebrated in…
Chinese Love Story Pictured on New Bedroom Furniture
Jamestown Post-Journal – March 20, 1948 A Chinese love story in lacquer, enacted on novel bedroom furniture, will be a special exhibit by Union-National Furniture Company at the Jamestown Exposition next month when 2,500 buyers will converge here. The first sets of more than 250, now being made, are completed.…
In Review
By Robert W. Plyer from The Post-Journal 1990 Prendergast Exhibits Merrill Coffin’s Art Visitors to the smaller art gallery at James Prendergast Library during this week will find there an exhibition of marine and Americana Paintings by Jamestown resident Merrill E. Coffin. The exhibition, which continues through Nov. 2, includes…
Sunday Tea with Mrs Merrill Coffin
Mrs. Merrill Everett Coffin will open her home, 333 Fairmount Avenue, tomorrow from 5 to 7 P. M. when Delta Gamma chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority will honor their mothers at a mother and daughter tea. Chairman of the affair will be Mrs. James Wells, assisted by Mrs…
Factory Finishing Facilities Now Available For Your Furniture Needs
Are you confronted with the problem of what to do about the bad appearing finish on your furniture? Do you have a table, desk, chair, etc. in good condition, other than the finish? You can solve this problem by calling on Decorolac and its finishing staff. Decorolac has for the…
Art at the Audubon
Paintings to be displayed by Coffin will include Frosty Morning Companions,” which shows three cardinals and birch trees, “Kodiak Bear,” and “Pheasant Companions.” Art teacher Eleanor Himes gave him a foundation in art when he was in high school. He added many facts to his educational larder when he took…
Company Chooses Local Artist’s Painting Again
A painting by veteran Jamestown artist, Merrill E. “Pete” Coffin has been selected by a Bradford Pa., company for its 1986 limited edition lithograph print. It marks the ninth consecutive year that McCourt Label Co., the nation’s largest producer of pharmaceutical industry labels has chosen one of Coffin’ works for its exclusive print. The…
The Artist and His Work
Merrill E. Coffin gave a gallery talk to Carole Crolle’s fifth graders at the Octagon Gallery at Patterson Library last Friday. Mr. Coffin delighted the students by drawing several nature scenes and telling them how he creates his wildlife paintings. Mr. Coffin is pictured here with his painting “Curious Blue Jays.” The exhibit continues through Dec.…